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PostPosted: 07 Jul 2019, 16:15 
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Joined: 30 Jun 2019, 19:36
Posts: 3
Location: SW Ohio, USA
@Janissary the HUD issues are managed/fixed by the files that end up in the Mods and ShaderFixes folders and are provided by @marcuscicer5 's updated solution about six or seven posts above this one. They rely on 3DMigoto to work, so make sure you have the zip file for 3D Migoto 1.3 present in the game directory. There's a link to it on marcuscicero5's github page for the fix.

If you continue to have issues, I would start by removing any added/modded files in your steamapps/common/Ace Combat 7 directory and then verify the local files from within STEAM's interface. Afterward, I would then download markuscicero5 's updated code and the 3DMigoto 1.3 Zip from above if necessary. Make sure the appropriate Python runtimes are installed to your computer so that you can run the magic.py script; you should then be able to run the magic.py script and just follow the prompts and everything should more or less just work.


PostPosted: 10 Jul 2019, 16:29 

Joined: 10 Jul 2019, 16:09
Posts: 6
Thanks to everyone for posting UW solutions!!

I'm experiencing the same issue as Janissary. The black bars are gone but the hud is offset to the left.
Phoenix- I performed your troubleshooting steps in the prior post but nothing has changed. It seems the script ran successfully including the unpacking of 3Dmigoto. Is there anything I'm missing guys?

PIC 1.jpg
PIC 1.jpg [ 95.51 KiB | Viewed 6755 times ]
PostPosted: 10 Jul 2019, 21:23 

Joined: 10 Feb 2019, 05:05
Posts: 30
Download these two folders to your AC7 game directory.


PostPosted: 12 Jul 2019, 01:28 

Joined: 10 Jul 2019, 16:09
Posts: 6
Thanks Mark. Sadly the HUD is offset left even with the mods and shaderfixes folders included. I started over by deleting all of the modded files, verified and re-downloaded your uploaded link. I've attached a shot of the folder as the script was running. Damn I'm close! Any ideas?

NEW.jpg [ 89.47 KiB | Viewed 6584 times ]
IMG_2175.jpg [ 37.82 KiB | Viewed 6602 times ]

Last edited by rrev11 on 14 Jul 2019, 04:34, edited 1 time in total.
PostPosted: 12 Jul 2019, 16:39 

Joined: 10 Feb 2019, 05:05
Posts: 30
Ok, 3Dmigoto isn't being installed correctly. Please try the following:

1. Hit the Windows key and type "idle" without quotes. Windows search should find something like "IDLE (Python 3.x 64-bit)." Run that.

2. In the Shell, click File, Open, and open up magic.py.

3. In the new window, click Run, Run Module. The script will start running as per normal, follow along with the usual instructions.

4. If the script fails, you should see a bunch of red text. Copy all of it and paste it here.

PostPosted: 13 Jul 2019, 01:45 

Joined: 10 Jul 2019, 16:09
Posts: 6
Hi Mark- I ran thru the suggestions you provided in the prior post and I believe the script failed. The HUD is still offset left. Here's what I got:

IMG11.jpg [ 92.95 KiB | Viewed 6696 times ]
PostPosted: 13 Jul 2019, 03:53 

Joined: 10 Jul 2019, 16:09
Posts: 6
Here's the text:

Python 3.7.4 (tags/v3.7.4:e09359112e, Jul 8 2019, 19:29:22) [MSC v.1916 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
======= RESTART: D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\ACE COMBAT 7\magic.py =======
Your screen size appears to be 3440x1440.
Is that correct? Y to continue, N to cancel:y
Determining FOV hex value...
Backing up the game exe...
Modifying the game exe...
Verifying the game exe...
Old byte: b'5', New byte: b'\xed', at address: 39369048
Old byte: b'\xfa', New byte: b'\xd1', at address: 39369049
Old byte: b'\x0e', New byte: b'3', at address: 39369050
Old byte: b'\x01', New byte: b'\x00', at address: 235926458
Verification successful.
Checking for 3Dmigoto zip file...
Unpacking 3Dmigoto-1.3.16.zip...
Installing 3Dmigoto...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\ACE COMBAT 7\magic.py", line 133, in <module>
for item in os.listdir(tdm_dir + '/x64'):
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: '3Dmigoto-1.3.16/x64'

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2019, 02:10 

Joined: 10 Feb 2019, 05:05
Posts: 30
So what are the contents of the 3Dmigoto-1.3.16 folder? Does the zip file actually get extracted properly?

I'm unable to duplicate the problem on my machine, even when using your version of Python and 3Dmigoto. So we'll have to troubleshoot one thing at a time.

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2019, 02:39 

Joined: 10 Jul 2019, 16:09
Posts: 6
Thanks Mark. Below is a look at the contents of the 3Dmigoto folder.
My process has been extracting the 3Dmigoto folder within the Ace Combat game folder. In other words, once the 3Dmigoto file has been downloaded, I'll move this zipped 3Dmigoto folder to the Ace Combat game folder and set the extract destination there. Once extracted, the folder looks just like it does in the pic I posted a few posts up.
I really appreciate your help!

Screenshot.png [ 167.69 KiB | Viewed 6636 times ]
PostPosted: 14 Jul 2019, 06:10 

Joined: 10 Feb 2019, 05:05
Posts: 30
Oh noooooo, I know what happened.

You downloaded the source code for 3Dmigoto, not the release package.

Go to the following link, scroll all the way to the bottom until you see a list of zip files. You're looking for 3Dmigoto-1.3.16.zip. The size should say 5.22 MB. Download that, put it in the AC7 folder, delete the old 3Dmigoto folder, then run the script.


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