Here is a cheat table that should work with MGS SP.
mgsvtpp_1.0.7.1.zipThis will only work with latest version.
All you have to do is to edit this script (Markers position).
Edit these lines to match with your calculated X and Y aspect ratios.
dd (float)50.1 // Here we set the correct X ratio
dd (float)8.96666 // Here we set the correct Y ratio
Set these aspect ratios according to your specific resolution.
eg :
A triple Full HD widescreen 5760 * 1080 is 48/9
A Bezel compensated like mine 6012 * 1076 is 50.1/8.96666
50.1 = (6012 * 48) / 5760
8.96666 = (1076 * 9) / 1080
The UI size hasn't been touched.
the formula given previously by jackfuste gives the right aspect in game.
jackfuste wrote:
64 * ((width/height)/1.77777)
For example, 64 * ((6000/1080)/1.77777) = 200.00087
So, 64 should be changed to 200.00087
After modification is done to markers fix script, you can check/uncheck the different boxes to activate/deactivate the fixes once the MGS process is opened.
Don't forget to modify the markers size according to jackfuste formula.
SO wazoo, the UI size pointer hasn't changed nor its location.
The pointer value (10 86 70 06) can be found in the MGS process.
You probably mistyped the hexadecimal values ...
A special note :The wind effect opcode(s) has changed. I could find opcodes relatives to that effect but dunno exactly what to do with it.
As soon as i don't see any artefacts while playing i won't bother any more with this.