Widescreen Gaming Forum

Killer Instinct 3
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Author:  WalleO [ 31 Mar 2016, 00:49 ]
Post subject:  Killer Instinct 3

Killer Instinct was just released today on windows 10 store and its a free download. unfortunately it doesnt do 21:9. im really getting tired of developers not considering the 21:9 aspect ratio.

Author:  pyide [ 15 Apr 2016, 03:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Killer Instinct 3

Fighting games are designed with a fixed width arena in mind. You know, that point where both players back up into their respective corners, hit the boundaries of the scene and can't separate any further?

In this case, modern ones are made for 16:9 resolutions. The only way to make these 16:9 fighting games work on wider screens is by stretching them to fill, or cropping and zooming in the view (-vert) and that's not ideal at all. Alternatively, you could extend the screen to show more but still keep the same 16x9 fixed width arena with invisible barriers so the gameplay field isn't radically changed. But none of these solutions is ideal to anyone who actually cares about fighting games, there's no elegant way to solve this problem, which is why fighting game developers just leave it the way it was designed.

Author:  Omochao [ 13 May 2016, 22:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Killer Instinct 3

pyide wrote:
Alternatively, you could extend the screen to show more but still keep the same 16x9 fixed width arena with invisible barriers so the gameplay field isn't radically changed.

Sounds good to me.

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