Widescreen Gaming Forum

Jotun Ultrawide?
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Author:  rdwray [ 19 Oct 2016, 04:46 ]
Post subject:  Jotun Ultrawide?

Does anyone know how to get Jotun to run in Ultrawide? (2560x1080) I thought I had read somewhere that it supported it native but no luck

Author:  imusrt [ 19 Oct 2016, 08:41 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jotun Ultrawide?

Here's a good guess. Tell me your results. Specific-like: hor+? etc. This is the first thing to try. There are more things, if this don't work.

1. In-game, select windowed (it's immediate). Borderless Gaming utility (BG fullscreen setup *). Quit game & BG.
2. Play game: Start BG, start game (auto-triggers full borderless).

1. * Borderless Gaming setup described here:
http://www.wsgf.org/blog/imusrt/2015/03 ... structions
2. This for Jotun: Valhalla Edition 2015, a Unity game.

Failing that...
Next go to regedit. Find (ctrl+F) Jotun (in Keys). Edit resolution (in Decimal Base) to your fullscreen.
While you're there, you could switch back to Fullscreen if you want (maybe a boolean there, 0/1).
Failing that...
If still pillarboxed, you will hex.....

Author:  rdwray [ 19 Oct 2016, 14:35 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jotun Ultrawide?

Thanks a lot! Regedit worked. Not sure why I didn't think of that. The HUD and all even repositioned

Author:  imusrt [ 19 Oct 2016, 23:14 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jotun Ultrawide?

Good. Just so you are aware, you can use borderless if prefer. When BG triggers, Registry likely gets updated for you (though this is not for certain, so Registry needed to be checked).

Author:  rdwray [ 19 Oct 2016, 23:22 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jotun Ultrawide?

Thanks again, it's been working perfect. Great game

Author:  imusrt [ 20 Oct 2016, 01:38 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jotun Ultrawide?

I should ask, what were the names of registry keys? Other people (DR) may have interest
(can copy-paste if you right-click Jotun's main reg key & select export & open in Notepad)

I should ask, are your HUD elements spanned to far-edges of your 21:9? or are they bit-encroaching, like a 16:9-type HUD?

Author:  rdwray [ 20 Oct 2016, 02:18 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jotun Ultrawide?

They're in
HKEY_Current_User\Software\Thunder Lotus Games\Jotun
Screenmanager Resolution Height
Screenmanager Resolution Width

changed to the appropriate dec for the resolution

Included a photo. I hope that answers your questions, not really new to tinkering per say but I'm new to the Ultrawide business

jotun.jpg [ 201.83 KiB | Viewed 5121 times ]

Author:  imusrt [ 20 Oct 2016, 06:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Jotun Ultrawide?

Perfect. Some breadcrumbs for next dude.
So that HUD is spanned full (not stretched). LLL will likely also span HUD, to rubberneck.

Forgot: thanks ^^. I was curious myself.

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