Widescreen Gaming Forum

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PostPosted: 19 Apr 2010, 02:35 

Joined: 19 Apr 2010, 01:53
Posts: 2

I've just bought a new computer, with an ATI 5770 GPU and the mobo (Asus AM3 785G) has an integrated graphic chip (Radeon 4200 128Mo). I've red that hybrid x-fire will not work with this pair :doh .
So, my question is :
Will I be able to use 100% of the ATI 5770's ressources for one monitor : running games (@1920x1080 in full screen, or eventually windowed)
(100% of) the integrated Radeon 4200 to run a second (smaller) monitor : watching divX, internet, teamspeak ?

Is it possible to use them both (but working on different tasks) at the same time ?
(I know the 5770 can handle multimonitoring but Game's framerate will certainely suffer from this)

Thanks forward !

(Sorry for my english, it's not my mothertongue, but this is the best place I found when it comes to multimonitoring :bowdown )

Windows 7 64 bits
CPU AMD Phenom2 X2 545
Mobo Asus M4A785TD-V EVO
RAM 2x2Go DDR3 1333
GPU ATI Radeon 5770 1Go
HDD Sata2 7200rpm


PostPosted: 19 Apr 2010, 15:27 

Joined: 13 Feb 2010, 20:03
Posts: 145
First of all, as far as I know, you're correct about crossfire not working for them. Crossfire only works for cards from the same line of GPU's (3000's, 4000's, 5000's, etc.). On to your other questions: Yes, you can use the 5770 to run games on one monitor while using the 4200 to run a second monitor. However, keep in mind that windows will see this as an extended desktop, and while you're using your mouse to control a game on one side, you're not going to be able to control anything on the other monitor without alt-tabbing out of the game. Finally, if your main concern is that the 5770 won't be able to handle having an extended desktop available while the game is running on the other monitor, it's not really something you should be too concerned about. Plenty of people on the WSGF use a 5770 to run eyefinity desktops (3-monitor gaming) and still run just fine. The 5770 is a very powerful card, and just displaying an extra desktop on the side while it runs 1920x1080 wouldn't dock your framerates too much.

To sum up:

You can run two monitors (one main, one extended) on either the 5770 alone (and won't see much fps difference) or you could display your main screen from the 5770 and the extended from your 4200. The decision is yours. I personally would sell the 4200 and use it fund a different component for my computer.

PostPosted: 19 Apr 2010, 18:58 

Joined: 19 Apr 2010, 01:53
Posts: 2
Thanks for your answer.
I personally would sell the 4200 and use it fund a different component for my computer.

Since it is an integrated graphic chipset, there's no way I could sell it for money. I bought this mobo thinking that hybrid xfire would give me a little graphic boost, unfortunately this chipset only works with old GPU (radeon serie 3XXX).
If I understand "well" your answer, should I use only my 5770 or combined with the mobo graphic unit, it will end with the same desktop issues (extended desktop, alt-tab required). I can handle that :)
Regarding the second option, I red that installing a GPU will automatically disable the mobo graphic chipset. How could I avoid this ? (running Windows 7-64bit)

PostPosted: 20 Apr 2010, 19:03 

Joined: 13 Feb 2010, 20:03
Posts: 145
My apologies, I missed the word "integrated" in your post, and wasn't very keen on the 4000 series so I didn't know right off hand that the 4200 wasn't a GPU. Since it is an integrated chipset, installing the GPU will disable the chipset and your graphics will run off of the GPU. I don't personally know of anyway to get around that but someone on the forums here might. Assuming there is no way, that only option you will have is to run both the monitors off of the 5770 using extended profiles, and you will still have to alt-tab out of the full screen game in order to use your other screen.

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