[quote]If it was designed for 16:9, why would 4:3 be "native"? Wouldn't 16:9 be "native" then? Or is that word being used in some specialized manner of which I'm unaware?
"Native", in this context, means the aspect ratio at which nothing is cropped.
The demo of SF4 has 4:3 set up as native. It crops off the top and bottom of the image to make it 16:10 or 16:9.
They took the easy way out; simply making the image shorter rather than figuring out some sort of solution to allow for hor+
I understand what you're saying, but I'm sorry, I'm going to have to partially disagree with you. I also think you are avoiding discussing the point I'm making.
What reason do you have to believe that 4:3 is the native shape, and that 16:9 is not? I have not seen anything supporting that claim yet. I got news for you, 4:3 is NOT the aspect ratio at which nothing is cropped. 4:3 has the top and bottom cropped off compared to a 5:4 screen.
By your logic, a 5:4 screen is more "native" than the 4:3, because SF4 cuts a little bit of the top and bottom on 5:4 to get to the slightly wider 4:3. 5:4 screenshots of this benchmark show more on the top and bottom than a 4:3 screen, does that end up making 5:4 the so-called "native" aspect ratio? By your logic it would.
Unlike many other 3D games, this game has a very valid reason for needing to make the horizontal space the same (for single screen setups).
Furthermore, we have every reason to believe that 16:9 is the default shape and how the game was "intended" to be viewed.
From these pieces of evidence, we can conclude that there is no reason to think that 4:3 is the "intended" viewing aspect ratio.
We have to keep in mind that this is not a standard 3D action game. It is viewed strictly from the side, and there are gameplay reasons why players need to be able to back up against the "physical" edge of the screen. Vert- does not necessarily carry the same negative connotations in this set of very specialized circumstances.
You are correct about them taking "the easy way" out, but I have reason to believe that this is one of the rare cases in which it genuinely doesn't matter, due to how the "playable area" in the game is set up. This is not a standard 3D game. It is against all available evidence to say that 4:3 is the "native" and intended view.
Obviously the Vert- behaviour causes problems when you get into aspect ratios wider than 16:9. But like we've read before, there are often cases in fighting games where you need to be able to appear or back up against the literal "edge" of the screen. (And since they can't count on both players having the same screen shape, and 16:9 is so far the widest ratio typically used... and so on, it makes sense to design it around that, to avoid an invisible wall effect.)