[quote]I will not go 3d gaming because getting the 3 120 hz monitors would be pretty expensive. I already have 9 monitors in my place now and I am single! But I would bet that nvidia will make the surround gaming just work better. I like the way their profiles are set up but I do admit I have been with nvidia for my last six cards. If I can get a single card that is close to as fast as my 5970 with good multi monitor support I might have to go back to nvidia. I a not a big fan of sli or crossfire even though I have had sli b4 with 280gtx. Some games it works some it doesn't. Single card ftw!
Quoted for truth, I just bought monitors that AREN'T 120hz.... also will have the same issues as the 5000 series in terms of needing DP monitors as well?
What makes you so sure of that? How do you know they are not adding 3 clocks. How do you know they are not adding a separate device in with cards like Matrox device..... I guess we shall find out today.......