Congrats on your purchase, Marsmda & Bozo. I hope that you enjoy your new display.
Bozo, I will attempt to answer your questions the best I can. I'll do so, by referring to your question numbers as they were written.
Prior to answering your questions, in case you haven't done so already, I recommend getting the latest drivers from ATI for your video card (I prefer the standard control panel over the CAT Contorl Center - but that's personal preference), the latest version of DirectX from MS, and loading the 2405fpw drivers for your new display (either from the CD or from Dell's site). Set your desktop to 1920x1200x32 and your refresh rate to 60 Hz (I have mine set to 75 at the present, but it doesn't affect game performance, only game loading smoothness - I may set it back in a day or so).
Some people aren't bothered by tearing, but I am. To elliminate tearing, you have to force vsync on. Vsync comes at a performance hit, however, but makes for a much cleaner gaming experience. I recommend using triplebuffering in addition to vsync as it can improve the performance - in some cases as much as 50%. Much of this depends on the amount of memory on your card (128 vs 256+) how much of that memory is in use by textures, and if you have overhead, then triplebuffering is free - and improves performance while using vsync. Here are two good threads on the topic: and
1) When you select your settings in the control panel of your video card, they will superseede those of your ingame selection for AA, AF, and vsync. Unless, however, you select application preference in your control panel. Then, they are handled by the game's settings/selection. These selections are personal preference. It determines the amount of AntiAliasing and AnisotripicFiltering used for games. Presently, I use 2XAA and 8XAF while selecting application preference for vsync. Then, I enable vsync in games. I regret to inform you that your card will likely not be able to use AA or AF at 1920x1200 with vsync and deliver very good performance. As far as why it is showing only 1600x1200... That may be because you haven't loaded the correct video drivers for your card or your display. You should see 1920x1200 there.
I recommend for your card that you select Application preference for AA, AF and Vertical Sync. Use HL2 to set those settings since you will be able to easily tell which visual settings give you the best performance. Vsync will elliminate the tearing, but cap your frames to 60 FPS, since this locks the FPS to the refresh rate of your display, which is 60. I would also turn texture preference and mipmap detail level down to either performance or quality in the contorl panel, and set truform to always off. Your card won't be able to generate the overhead necessary to have those features turned on with vsync at any decent performance. But, you may find a happy medium there for your taste.
2) I have no idea what that error or message reads. My only hunch is that you must have .NET 1.1 framework loaded in order to run this program, the latest DirectX version from MS and current video drivers.
Again, the link is:
The file itself is:
I hope some of this helps you. I spent some time finding just the right mix for myself. I had upgraded from a 9800XT to an X850XT PE (only because I could only find the PE in AGP or I wouldn't have opted for it). My 9800XT couldn't drive vsync + AA +AF and frankly, the X850 is pushed too.
Many people comment that tearing is no biggie. Because, you can exceed 60 FPS in HL2 with 2XAA 8XAF. In some cases with those settings, I get 130 FPS at 1920x1200 without vsync. But, the FPS fluctuates all over the place and I get tearing. So, I've opted for vysnc on with triplebuffering enabled to help the overhead. Frames are locked at 60, sometimes they dip to 55 or so in vast scenes. But, it is a much smoother gameplay for me.
Good luck,