Well I'm too impatient for someone else to make a report or ask, so here's the classic quistion on new games: will it support proper widescreen?
Of course being based on the UT3 engine i expect it to use stinkin' vert- to "achieve" WS. I've seen a couple gameplay vids(console) and it certainly appears to be zoomed-in, a-la Bioshock.
So has anyone tried it? Can we use GOW/Bioshock/UT3 methods?
Off-topic, this games installs to 15-forking-GB.
Okay well if you open TurokTurokGameConfigTurokInput.ini, find the [Engine.Console] section and edit the ConsoleKey= line and bind it to a key (the commands are in the section above, i bound it to DELETE) and when you start the game just use that now-bound key to bring up the console, and use the the same command as in Gears of War:
"fov X" - X of course being your desired value. oh and without the quotes.
The default is an incredibly tiny 65 degrees, but 85 seems okay to me. Seeingas how the 4:3 FOV seem too narrow as well you just have to use whatever FOV is best for you.
Unfortunatly, like GOW, you ahve to do this every time you play the game, but a sloppy fix is better than none.
So after playing for bit i see that altering the FOV will break the ZOOM function on your weapons, and setting FOV back to 65 does no fix it. However, when you die the FOV is reset and you can ZOOM normally.
Two steps forward, one step back, eh?