We're going to change this:
If you're game supports Windowed mode try this:
Method 1:
1. Create a custom resolution (most likely 5760x1200 @ 60Hz)
--What ever 3 x your Horizontal of one monitor is and keep the Vertical resolution the same.
2. Put the game in windowed mode.
3. Set the resolution in game to that custom resolution you made is.
4. Move the window so that the end of the window is touching the outer monitor (which ever that may be).
Method 2:
1. Download Ultramon and Install it.
--This has window altering tools.
2. Right Click the Ultramon icon on the right side of the start bar.
3. Go to Shortcuts and Left Click new Shortcut
4. In the shortcut menu of ultramon, browse for the game exe and select it and hit next.
5. check use custom settings.
6. "at position:" then enter: Width: 0 and Top: 0
7. The under that enter Width: 5760 Height: 1200
--Note you can mess with this until you get it the way you want it.
8. Hit next twice then name the shortcut and how you want to launch it.
9. Open up the game and put it into windowed mode. Then shut down the game and launch it via the new ultramon shortcut.
Method 3: (Will make it as if you are playing on a 3840x1200 Screen)[Center cut by bezel]
1. Download Ultramon and Install it.
--This has window altering tools.
2. Turn on your game and put it in windowed mode then minimize it.
3. Right Click the Ultramon icon on the right side of the start bar.
4. Left click on option and go to the hotkeys tab.
5. Make a hotkey for "Maximize window to desktop" and Hit ok.
6. Exit out of ultramon and bring up your game (that should be in windowed mode)
7. Hit the hotkey and it should stretch across both screens.
NOTE: Not all games work with ultramon. The first and second method are the best way to get the results you want. A good ulternate to Ultramon is ShiftWindow. It does similar and is probably better suited to do window changes like this. Try it out if these methods don't work. Also if Method 2 doesn't work, neither will method 3.
***Thanks to Delphium for the base graphics.