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PostPosted: 10 Nov 2013, 19:58 
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Joined: 10 Nov 2013, 17:18
Posts: 3
Lemmers wrote:
I played a lot of Painkiller back on a 4:3 display, so when I bought Black Edition on Steam and noticed the Menus and HUD were stretched on my modern display, I knew my OCD wouldn't let me rest until it was fixed. I didn't find anything when I looked for a solution, so I just made one of my own. This doesn't change the stretched menus or movies, only the ingame HUD and starting splash screen. This is strictly for 16:9, any other aspect ratio will need it's own fix.


I updated this mod to support a much wider range of aspect ratios than just 16:9. In fact, the most basic part of this mod can make the ingame HUD fit any size rectangular screen in the correct proportions. I did a lot to make things as simple, flexible and convenient to other players as I possibly could, including those with multiple monitor displays.

Download HUDfix_Vers2.0

View the README.txt for more information.

To make things really simple, I changed the Options > HUD menu to include a lot more custom settings, so you won't have to depend on the console or .ini edits for everything.

These are the new console commands I added for increased flexibility while ingame. Some of these are named misleadingly, so be sure to read the description. They are listed below with their default values.
aspectratio = 576     Controls the HUD proportions. 1024:aspectratio = Desired Aspect Ratio. 768 is 4:3, 576 is 16:9
weaponfov = 0         Weapon distance to camera, + or -
Eyefinity = 1         Centers important HUD elements. 1=On, 2=Off
EyefinityAdjust = 0   Fine-tunes HUD placement. Negative numbers push HUD out, positive pulls HUD in. Requires Eyefinity=1

These are exsisting commands that are good to keep handy. They are listed below with their new default values.
fov = 110      Changes the Field of Vision
hudsize = 0.5  Changes the size of the HUD while constraining proportions

These are exsisting commands from the config.ini that you can now edit with the console, however you will need to restart Painkiller for them to take effect.
zoomfov   = 60      Zoomed Weapon FOV
crosshairsize = 1   Crosshair Size. 1=Full Size, 2=Double Size, 0.5=Half size

I also changed the default weapon draw distance from the camera at 16:9 to better match how it looked on 4:3 screens, while including the option to further tweak this for user preference.

And for the sake of it, I increased the maximum number of Save Game slots before the game overwrites the oldest one. It should only cause an extra 5-10 MB of savegame data.

4:3 (FOV 90) Unmodded.

6:9 (FOV 110) Unmodded. You can see the HUD is stretched horizontally, so the compass is oval.

16:9 (Fov 135) Unmodded. Weapon viewmodel is drawn mostly offscreen.

16:9 (FOV 110) With Fix

16:9 (Fov 135) With Fix

16:9 (FOV 110) With Fix + Tiny HUD size setting (hudsize = 0.5)

Here is a 16:9 screenshot with a 48:9 HUD, stretched 300% horizontally to show what the HUD will look like in these dimensions.

To Do List

-Startup splash screens and sniper scope overlays for 16:0 and 48:10
-Fix ingame tarot card proportions. Currently only supports 16:9
-Find a way to letterbox the main menu at 4:3, so it's not crazy looking on wide displays
-Include more suport aimed for multimonitor setups based on user feedback
-Autodetect monitor resolution and adjust HUD size automatically

I'm open for suggestions and requests.


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