Flashback 2013 Manual PLP Instructions

Submitted by imusrt on 12 June, 2015 - 01:20

Complex setup, but easy PLP once done & game looks quite good *.

(PLP screenshot with bezel effect, most common distance)

(comparison, 1080p)

1. SoftTH (fullscreen, DX9 x86). 2. Edit %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Flashback\FlashbackGame\ Config\FlashbackGame.ini (game creates this file).
A. Go to file bottom under section [FlashbackGame.FlashbackPlayerGraphicsSettings].
B. Copy the last full line of the following entry types, pasting each beneath its duplicate.
i. AllScreenResolutions[##]=(Width=####,Height=####). Increase pasted line's [##] by one, & enter your resolution.
ii. AllScreenResolutions=(Width=####,Height=####). In pasted line, enter your resolution.
C. In line CurrentGraphicsSettings=(...), enter your new [##] from above in resolutionIndex=##, & enter your resolution.
3. Flawless Widescreen (FWS):
A. Load game plugin, checkmark all (enable, FOV, HUD, aspect, draw distance) & leave FOV zero. Then quit.
B. Find (path-to-FWS)\PluginCache\FWS_Plugins\ Modules\Flashback\Dependencies\ Scripts\Flashback.lua.
C. File edit (Notepad): Replace all three occurrences of string "DisplayInfo:GetAspectRatio()" with "####/####" (no quotes, your width / height), save.
4. Start FWS, start game.

(distance to player varies by scenario)

(further distance)

1. * Hor+ & FOV looks proper. HUD, menu & text perfect. FMV cutscenes are single-screen, but rendered video is often vert-.
2. Optional FOV (not needed): FWS slider.
3. Menu changes do not undo PLP edits. Your massive resolution is also selectable in-game (its name is butchered).
4. FWS must be restarted to recognize edits. Should backup lua file. If game stretches in future, paste file back in.
5. FWS alternative: YFOV edit & lowered FOV key bind available. This is the non-FWS solution, but game won't look as good.

(cutscene, vert-, looks reasonable)

View guide for general help with the instructions.