Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) [~4K]
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a spectacle fighter with a heavy emphasise on the spectacle, you play as Raiden, a cyborg ninja, and must slice your way though all manor of other cyborgs and robots in your quest for revenge. The games default multi-monitor support is almost none existent, it basically allowed the resolution to run but letter boxed to a 16:9 aspect ratio. However after a lot of work HaYDeN has managed to fix the game and it is now no longer letter boxed, is horizontal plus, and he has managed to centre most of the UI and HUD. You can find the fix as part of Flawless Widescreen, which you can find here:
The video itself is part analysis, part walkthough and part waffle, feel free to like or dislike my video and comment are always welcome too.
Direct Video Link: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance (Triple Monitors / Eyefinity / Surround) [~4K]
Channel Link:
While this video can be watched on any screen it has been encoded to look best on a multi-monitor system, so if your running such a system, then select 4K quality from the drop down box and watch in fullscreen.