wide·screen gam·ing fo·rum (wsgf):
[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
Submitted by skipclarke on 24 January, 2014 - 16:03
It's been a while since the last site newsletter. I wanted to take some time to let everyone know about some big updates to the site. In upcoming newsletters we'll get back to regular updates of new game entries into the database.
Submitted by skipclarke on 16 October, 2013 - 18:14
Ooh, it's been a while since our last newsletter. Summer is finally past us, and I hope to get back on a regular schedule of updates.
WSGF 10th Anniversary
This week marks our 10th Anniversary at the WSGF. This is a very proud moment for me and the rest of the WSGF staff. Years of longevity on the Internet should be measured in something like "dog years," and by that accounting we are pretty old.
In a nice little bit of news, I was tipped off to the fact that Michael Dell (yes, THE Michael Dell) shared my "3 over 1" gaming rig on his Google+ page. He linked to my video of the 21:9 ultra-wide gaming reel. Pretty cool. If your on the G+, hit up the link, like and share with your friends.
Lots of new stuff since the last newsletter. The last one was all about the videos recently added to the site. This newsletter focuses on the baker's dozen of new games added to the site in the last couple of weeks. Thanks to everyone who has contributed content, espcecially those who are new contributors.
Playing a little catch up here, so we'll be doing two newsletter this week. Over the past couple months we've had a large number of multi-monitor and 21:9 ultra-wide videos on the WSGF blogs. Most people will be familiar with WSGF Editor, Skid, and his full-res multi-mon videos. WSGF Insider, suiken_2mieu, has recently thrown his hat in the video rings, and has added a number of gameplay and educational videos.
We are pleased to announce that we now have user badges (AMD Eyefinity, NVIDIA Surround, S-3D, 21:9, and more) in the WSGF forum, which you can assign to yourself. This has been a long time coming, and something that we've wanted since the last time we were on phpBB. Problem is that phpBB doesn't natively support this behavior.
Free Shipping on WSGF Edition and HD Triple XL Stands
One week left in our US "Tax Day" sale. We're offering free shipping on our two custom stand models for users in the US. You can find these two models in our Stand Store, and this sale will save you $40 on your order total. This sale ends at the end of April.
If you've read either of our most recent newsletters, you know we had a db issue. We've learned from our mistakes, and apologized. Despite these setbacks our members continue to produce new content for the community.