
Hor +, or horizontal plus, refers to a behavior specific to certain games that support both 4:3 resolutions and widescreen resolutions. A hor + game is a game that when played on a widescreen monitor with a widescreen resolution, expands the horizontal component of the FOV while keeping the vertical component roughly or exactly the same. This is often considered the ideal solution for widescreen games, as it grants widescreen users a wider picture.

Submitted by coffeelover239 on 3 December, 2016 - 01:17

Crash Time

Fans of arcade-racing-action watch out, Crash Time hits the fast lane! Daring stunts, spectacular crashes, thrilling criminal cases: All fans of the racing genre will easily fall in love with the newest creation of Synetic the well known specialists for furious racing-games. Various exciting cases await the player as part of the Cobra police force. Solving them requires several diverse missions to be successfully completed: Be in helicopter chases, jumps across moving trains or reconnaissance runs in tanks top-notch entertainment is guaranteed!

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