
Stretch refers to a type of screen change where the 4:3 image is stretched across the widescreen display. In these games, the image is stretched (and distorted), even though a widescreen resolution is in use. This is due to a fixed FOV being forced. This causes images to stretch and objects to appear "fat." This is the poorest type of widescreen implementation.

Submitted by SciLor on 29 April, 2015 - 15:54

Mashed is a top-down vehicular combat racing video game, similar in style to Micro Machines, Circuit Breakers and Super Sprint. Each race consists of four vehicles. The player has to navigate various obstacles and obtain weapon pickups to succeed. The game operates a left-behind principle: the camera tries to keep all players in one screen, and if one drops far enough behind in the race, they are eliminated, and the other players race on.

Submitted by Anonymous on 14 November, 2013 - 12:10

Secret Weapons Over Normandy

Take part in a secret World War II squadron in a series of objective-based missions.

Submitted by AussieTimmeh on 13 November, 2013 - 21:31

Worms Blast

The gameplay of Worms Blast is similar to that of Puzzle Bobble/Bust-a-Move, but with several key differences. There is a hexagonal grid of coloured blocks at the top of the screen, while the player's character sits on a boat floating in water. Unlike Puzzle Bobble, it is able to move side to side. There are multiple weapons that can be used, however the only weapon the player has to start with is a bazooka. As with Worms, holding down the fire button increases the power behind the weapon's launch, affecting how far it will travel.

Submitted by Garrett on 14 August, 2013 - 04:33

Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven

The Might and Magic RPG series jumps to 3D with its successful sixth entry. Might and Magic VI takes place on the planet of Enroth, a setting shared with the Heroes of Might and Magic spin-off series.

Submitted by Micha on 19 July, 2013 - 17:10


Forsaken is a 3D first-person shooter video game, Similar to Descent (Wikipedia)

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