As always, editing your registry is dangerous and you do so at your own risk, but are you a mouse or a (wo)man?
- Install DK2
- Update it to v1.7 from
- This version adds support for 1024x768 (in game) and other 1280x1024 and 1600x1200 (through reg hack)
- Go into regedit
- Find key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bullfrog Productions Ltd\Dungeon Keeper II\Configuration\Video"
- Change "Screen Height" key to your screen height (800 in my case)
- Change "Screen Width" key to your screen height (1280 in my case)
- Make sure the "base" is in decimal
NOTE - This works with the version as well, but you'll need to add the keys and strings to the registry yourself. To do this just browse to "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Bullfrog Productions Ltd\Dungeon Keeper II\" and then right click on the "Dungeon Keeper II" key on the left side of the screen and click New -> Key. Title the new key "Configuration" and then right click on the new "Configuration" key (which should now be a subfolder in Dungeon Keeper II) and click New -> Key and title the new key "Video" (which should now be a subfolder in "Configuration".
Now, while in Configuration\Video, right click on the empty space on the right side of the registry editor and click New -> String Value. Title the new string "Screen Height", and then do the same for "Screen Width". You can then double click each of these and add your custom settings.
- Start the game
- The screen resolution will show as 640x480 in the options menu
- You will probably need to set the game speed and scroll speed to the minimums, but the game flies.