The fix down below is not valid any more. The game will block you from any normal servers for having adapted gamefiles. Only servers that will allow this certain fix will benefit from it. Since practically none do, you're basically out of options.
The fov slider (which is unnumbered) will allow you to change the basic horizontal FoV for a marine from 90 to 110 degrees. (FOV changes for every other class), there is currently no viable fix for a higher FOV and centralizing the HUD. The multimonitor screenshots below are thus not representable for the current Build
The fix below is posted for reference.
For a HUD fix for multi monitors, visit Skinz's post on the Unknown Worlds Forums.
In order to have a proper field-of-view when using multiple monitors you must edit one of the game's files.
File to edit:
\Steam\steamapps\common\natural selection 2\ns2\lua\Client.lua
Function to modify:
function GetScreenAdjustedFov(horizontalFov, standardAspect)
local actualAspect = Client.GetScreenWidth() / Client.GetScreenHeight()
local verticalFov = 2.0 * math.atan(math.tan(horizontalFov * 0.5) / standardAspect)
horizontalFov = 2.0 * math.atan(math.tan(verticalFov * 0.5) * actualAspect)
return horizontalFov
Change it to look like this (two lines need removed and one needs added):
function GetScreenAdjustedFov(horizontalFov, standardAspect)
local actualAspect = Client.GetScreenWidth() / Client.GetScreenHeight()
horizontalFov = 2.0 * math.atan( (actualAspect / (4.0 / 3.0)) * math.tan(horizontalFov / 2.0))
return horizontalFov
After editing this the main menu will still using a horizontal field-of-view but the gameplay itself will be correct.