no, it will not work properly(atleast not with my 2-monitor setup)
you need a different fov(for my 3360x1050 i used 60)
you can try adjust fov on your own, just follow the info
hi all!
i found how to start mafia in Hor+ mode. there is two methods:
1. You need MafiaDataXTractor 1.1, BScriptView 6.0 (maybe 5.0)
2. Extract MISSION data with MafiaDataXTractor
3. Edit each "scene2.bin" file in all folders in "Mafia/Missions" with BSV6.0 - add to "GameInitEnd" script this string "CAMERA_SETFOV 90" (try 80-100).
4. Remember! Each file in each mission folders.
5. Save Results
this is general how i do it, but there is a couple ditales:
- you don't really need to change every scene2.bin file, only some of them
- most of the time yoy have to change GameInitEnd script but sometimes is GameInitStart(there is one or two times that this is a completely different file)
So all you have to do is found a proper fov and change 70 files