The monitors match ok. They are physically the same size. The 2405 is in the middle. The 2408's are brighter and have greater colour range but that is fine with me as im colour blind so the differences to me are failry minor after i drop trhe brightness. I like the 2405 in the middle as it has a lower input lag than the 2408's (notoriously high input lag) and has served me well over the last 5 years. Best PC component purchase i think i have ever made. A u2410 would be nice but id rather not spend the money if i dont have to.
As for the bezel compensation/ EDID issue, i think i have it sorted using a modified Monifo / Phoenix EDID designer method as detailed in other WSGF threads. All the tutorials from other threads about creating custom .inf files to override monitor EDID have not worked for me so i had given up after several attempts over the past few months. The method i used today was slightly different and gleamed from various sources and was successful for me . I will give a quick rundown off the top of my head as im at work on night shift, so clarity and accuracy are not guaranteed. If anyone is interested in a full tutorial let me know i will post a new thread when i get some time.
Quick overview
Use MonInfo to compare the EDID's of your screens and note the dimensions. Determine the monitor you wish to override (usually the odd one out but may need to do this more than once if all 3 monitors are different - ouch)
Use Moninfo and Phoenix EDID designer to create custom .inf for the monitor you wish to override as per steps 1-5 in this thread
Enable all hidden devices to be shown in device manager using an elevated (Administrator) command prompt using the command:
set devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices=1
Open up device manager and remove all the the current monitor and ghost/hidden monitor devices (tick to remove drivers too if prompted)
Power down. Remove cables from all monitors except the monitor that you want the EDID override on. Power up and open device manager. Find monitor and update Generic PnP Monitor driver with new custom .inf using the "have disk" method.
Power down and plug other monitors in. Open Moninfo and check EDID data (registry) and hope that updated monitor size is shown :D
Here is the flaky bit (memory hazy)....
Open CCC and disable eyefinity group if created. Clicked on monitor (updated EDID one) in Desktops & Displays and disable GPU scaling (to match my other 2 that were also unticked by default). Create an eyefinity group and, fingers crossed, the bezel compensation option should be available. Calibrate bezel comp. Select updated resolution from desktop then save profile with all Catalyst settings.
I powered down several times and rebooted with the bezel compensation remaining intact. Hope this works for anyone with issues. Sorry about the lame tut - all from memory and no screenies.