It should just work, as the wiki is separate from the forum.
This review is impressive. The addition of 5x1P in the relevant driver makes me think seriously about swapping from nVidia Surround to EyeFinity when I get the chance (ie: money). As good as the first impression of nVidia Surround was... there hasn't been any significant update (read: features/fixes) since the first driver that supported it. AMD might be taking their time, but at least they are adding features! Only pro for nV-Surround at the minute is bezel correction without identical monitors.
Agree, I like the review a lot specialy the eyefinity resolution testings. At present I have HD 5970 waiting for the HD 6990 and maybe 3way eyefinity seting.
That's why I wanted to find out more about the setup.
Anyway finaly I was able to get in. I think the problem was my Firefox Adblock Plus, when I have on, the "Setup & Testing" page ask for login.