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 Post subject: 4870 X2 and 3840X1024
PostPosted: 18 Feb 2011, 16:17 

Joined: 24 Sep 2007, 14:13
Posts: 4

Just changed a Nvidia GTX 275 for a MSI HD 4870X2 (older, but more powerfull) on my TH2GO Analog system. Matrox GMX say its OK for compatibility 3840X1024, but even with latest drivers (ATI and Matrox), its stuck at a lame 2400X600 resolution. I tried to switch the DVI connector and I barely see the new resolution 3840X1024 in the menu, but after a reboot its gone. Impossible to have something else than 2400X600 max.
If someone can tell me what options I need to check/uncheck in CCC, please help, this thing is driving me crazy and make me regret my old GTX 275...




PostPosted: 18 Feb 2011, 20:09 

Joined: 09 Dec 2010, 17:50
Posts: 25
Try running your matrox software set-up wizard and try selecting diffrent settings ie.(triplehead) to see if 3840 x 1024 or 3 x (1280 x 1024) shows up for selection. What type of monitors do you have? Are all 3 the same identical?

PostPosted: 19 Feb 2011, 10:05 

Joined: 24 Sep 2007, 14:13
Posts: 4
Thx for helping :)
yes I have three exactly identical LG 19" monitors.
I will try to check the matrox software more in debt.
Here is a picture of my 2400*600 desktop. The weird thing is that its not covering the whole space...
I will tell you more after uninstalling/reinstalling Matrox Powerdesk software.

After some tries, Matrox software only offer me 800*600 (3x)
CCC driver is settled like that :
- Desktop properties : 2400*600 60hz
- Advanced Display settings : (Checked : Detect whenever... and Force Component...)
- My VGA properies (Properties) : 2400*600 60 hz (Use Extended... not checked)
- Image Scaling : Enable GPU Scaling checked (Scale image to full panel size)

EDIT 2 :
Forget it, 4870X2 is on ebay. Back to Nvidia with a GTX480, a real card with real drivers. pissed :(

PostPosted: 19 Feb 2011, 18:28 

Joined: 09 Dec 2010, 17:50
Posts: 25
Is your matrox firmware software and driver all up to date from matrox.com?

you can always try softTH software with that ATI card plus another smaller nvidia card like a 8800.


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