New Nvidia drivers (306.02 +) allow for your 3DTV to be an accessory display! This tutorial will show you how to set up your rig to switch between "Nvidia 3DTV Play" gaming and surround gaming with a simple Hotkey.
For owners of 3DTV's that like to switch between surround gaming and 3DTV gaming, this was a task that required a system reset.
With UltraMon and the new drivers I have been able to set it up so that you can switch your gaming experience with a simple Hotkey : )
Reference GTX 670 here...
1. Set up your 3x surround displays using and check "surround" in Nvidia control panel. (You must use 2x DVI ports and 1x Displayport on your 600-series card)
2. Use the remaining HDMI connection on your 600-series to plug in your 3DTV.
3. When your surround and your bezel correction is set properly, go to "set up multiple displays" and activate the 3DTV. You can place it anywhere you want...I put it centered on top of the surround displays.
4. Next set your surround display to be the "primary display", apply... then exit back to desktop.
5. Install Ultramon 3.2.1 from here
6. Using Ultramon you can change which display is the primary with a simple Hotkey.
7. Open UltraMon and save your current profile as "Surround"
8. Exit Ultramon and open Nvidia Control Panel...Now switch your "primary display" to the 3DTV...
9. Open Ultramon and save this profile as "3DTV Play"
10. In Ultramon settings, you can now set a Hotkey to switch between these 2 profiles. I use F10 for 3DTV and F11 for Surround.
*Switching Audio output*
Using Soundswitch you can set a Hotkey to switch your Audio output to the 3DTV and back again !
I use F9 to switch audio output.
It is soooooo nice to have a game like F1 2011 and be able to go from surround to 3D racing in seconds without a reset!
The new Nvidia GTX 670 has been unbelieveable...I can't say enough about this series and the direction they are going with the new drivers :)
All of this goodness from a single card ! No SLI!