They really need to fix the UI for triple-display. The forced spacing of the edge elements to the outer screen edges is annoying. Considering it works without much fuss though I can't overly complain though. I guess I'm too used to RIFT's ability ot move every UI element and individual scale them. For a current era MMO, SWTOR UI is really a dumbed-down UI design.
I've been given the opportunity to take part in the next round of testing for star wars. I'm praying on max settings it looks a little better than the shots above. Because that looks frankly like the same graphics the original star wars MMO had...
Frankly, the regular gameplay is SWG-esque. The only real difference is the quest cut scene voice acting parts to set itself apart from SWG. IMHO, SWTOR really doesn't shine as much as a 2012 MMO should. Percolating in the back of my mind is the nagging question, SWG was really killed for this? I see most of the SWG pitfalls in SWTOR. They should have named the MMO "SWG 1.5".