Thanks M,
I appreciate your reply and input.
You're right the geometry has changed, it will be a 4' radius and this may be a little tight,but I will horse around with the curved and flat surfaces.
I would be mounting the projectors from the ceiling so the cooling won't be a problem.
It seems the more I play with the settings I can't seem to get the portrait mode to work, any help here will be most welcome.
I'm thinking of running a single HD 6950 2gb card. This will give me 2 options
1 TH2G
2 Eyefinity
Any thoughts?
Thanks T
I see no need for the expense of the TH2G. Just use the Eyefinity capability. If your running external gauge displays for a simpit that might be helpful, but otherwise I wouldn't bother with the TH2G. Your AMD card should push 3x1 plus whatever extra DP ports you have available on the card. Did you want the TH2G to give you more ports? If so, the ASUS 6950 DCII has 6 outs available on that card. If that isn' enough ports, get a second ASUS 6950, then you'd have 12 ports out available to push simpit display content (minus whatever your three displays used for outside visuals will be).
I'm using both X-Plane 10 and Prepar3d 1.2 on one of my setups.