Is there any update on Blizzard allowing the widerscreen fixer yet? Has anyone gotten ban for using it? Does the fixer center the shops and inventory to the middle monitor, because I am breaking my neck trying to play this game on surround vision. lol!
I think there are way to many questions/desires. The short answer is NO to all of them:) I will update the plugin in order to be able to play the game in Fullscreen Surround (for 3D Surround users). As for the center monitor can be done..but then you don't want to get banned...:)
The new plugin can be downloaded from this post ( until it will be updated in WSF)
_________________ WideScreen Fixer... Fixes your Surround problems to give a gorgeous 3D Surround Experience! WideScreen Fixer
Only website to show TRUE 3D Vision Surround Gaming Videos(viewable by anyone) only at 3D Vision Surround Gallery
Hey there:) I am currently in the process of migrating to the Ivy bridge plaftorm. And have alot of Raid 0 arrays to back up. So it will probably take a while for me to update the plugin. I will do it when my platform is operational again :)
Best Regards,
_________________ WideScreen Fixer... Fixes your Surround problems to give a gorgeous 3D Surround Experience! WideScreen Fixer
Only website to show TRUE 3D Vision Surround Gaming Videos(viewable by anyone) only at 3D Vision Surround Gallery
I really wish that the game let you select what resolution you wanted to run in borderless wiindowed mode. As-is if I don't want to play eyefinity (and I don't, it hurts my neck looking far left and right all the time for UI), I have to either switch off my side monitors or change profiles to 3x monitors instead of eyefinity. Borderless windowed mode works perfectly in Starcraft 2 - I wish we had at least that functionality. If anyone figures it out let me know.
Hey guys, I'm new here and I've been trying to get D3 to run in a Full screen mode in Portrait Eyefinity. I know it worked before the launch, but I can't seem to get it to work.. I've read through all the posts here and I've messed with the WSFixer but even up to date it will not go full screen.
I've edited the .ini but can't get the settings to stay. I even disabled Eyefinity and went landscape then enabled eyefinity and D3 just errors out.
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