nicksmizzle wrote:
it looks like my comment didn't post. the "auto" aspect ratio is kinda broken for me, it does let me change it to 16:9 but i'm not sure if thats what it actually should be, it looks a little close up in cut scenes. running on 2 2gb 5850's with eyefinity 3x1 on 23" monitors with a resolution of 6040x1080 because of bezel correction 5750x1080 normally
In regedit, find HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Dynamics\Tomb Raider\Graphics\AspectRatio and set it to DA76 (which is 55926 in hex, which is 6040/1080 * 10000).
I should note that the cutscenes on my system are vert- which kinda sucks but otherwise the menus and game and everything else works as expected.
Olvik wrote:
Toothless Spoon wrote:
Anyone able to adjust the FOV?
I've found out, by editing Regedit, eg to 16:9, what to put there?
9000 o 10000
As above, to find the value to enter simply divide the width of your setup by the height, multiply by 10,000, then convert to hex (or simply click the "decimal" radio button in regedit when entering the value). In the example above, nicksmizzle has a width of 6040 after bezel correction and a height of 1080. So, 6040/1080 * 10000 = 55926, which converts to DA76 in hex.