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 Post subject: Limitation? Where?
PostPosted: 06 Mar 2014, 17:48 

Joined: 21 Jul 2011, 22:37
Posts: 4
Thanks to a member of this community i was able to see and play a game in a much higher resolution, it began by making the game better but quickly involved FOV changes and eventually the resolution reached pretty decent standarts.
Now, the value of the fov and the res can be changed and so i began tweaking it manually and reached resolutions that my monitor doesn't support, what i mean is that my monitor is 1680x1050 and i was able to run the game in 2560x1600, to do this however the game must be in window mode and the screenshots i took must be done in fraps, any other software fails to deliver the screenshots in the res of the game.
As you can guess, fullscreen doesn't work in these resolutions.

Keep in mind that this is an old game and while newer releases have higher resolutions, this one had a single res of 640x480, anything higher than this is an improvment.

I know that this is still far away from the resolutions beeing displayed on this forum, triple monitors and a good gaming rig are too much for my budget, in anycase i wanted to try and take a few screenshots in a decent res.

Question is, how high can i go?
Well, after 2560x1600 fraps stops beeing able to take the screenshot, game crashes and no screenshot is taken
After 4k, bloom from ebn series crashes the game
After 6k, game doesn't open.

What kind of limitation is beeing presented here?
Is fraps tied with some sort of programing limitation? Does video card drivers play a role here? Does video card memory play a role here? is it RAM? Is it the OS? Is it the game itself or somekind of direct x thing? Is it an hardware problem? is it to much res in Y? should i just go wider and wider and ignore height after some point?

Why can't i simply launch the game in 32.000x32.000?

I'm not asking for a solution, but i would like to know what kind of limitation is in place that makes things like these occur.

Thanks in advance

Also, how do you guys take screenshots in such high resolutions, does fraps work on res such as 4k?


 Post subject: Re: Limitation? Where?
PostPosted: 07 Mar 2014, 05:07 
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Joined: 08 May 2011, 18:58
Posts: 2286
the Limitation for Dx9 games in 8k x 8k for dx11 games it was increased to 16k x 16k
But there also could be a engine limite depending on the game.

I've done some Screenshots with MSI Afterburner, you can find them in the gallery here

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 Post subject: Re: Limitation? Where?
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2014, 01:23 

Joined: 21 Jul 2011, 22:37
Posts: 4
I have dx9 but the game requires atleast 8.1, not sure if the res limit is the same or if it uses dx9 max res at all and goes for the dx 8.1 res (might be lower, don't know)

ALso game engine may also limit the max res? interesting, nothing can be done about that i guess, still interesting to see that a game runs at these res considering at the time the only res it had was 640x480

 Post subject: Re: Limitation? Where?
PostPosted: 08 Mar 2014, 13:55 
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Joined: 08 May 2011, 18:58
Posts: 2286
So your card is dx9? (Hardware spec) but the game is programmed in dx8.1?
Don't know the maximum resolution for dx8 but it certainly comes before the DX one.

The engine Limit and the limit you can set are different things.
The limit you can set is set by the developers, because it fits with the FoV, the HUD items, the camera settings etc. Sometimes you can evade that by settings.ini edits or even memory hacks. But the engine limit is always absolute.

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