Widescreen Gaming Forum

[-noun] Web community dedicated to ensuring PC games run properly on your tablet, netbook, personal computer, HDTV and multi-monitor gaming rig.
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PostPosted: 24 Mar 2012, 07:00 

Joined: 01 Feb 2009, 14:09
Posts: 28

Widescreen Grade: Unsupported
Ultra-Widescreen Grade: Unsupported
Multi-monitor Grade: Unsupported
4k Grade: Unsupported

Read Full Detailed Report - Patrician III: Rise of the Hanse

Patrician 3 is a game simulating trading, piracy, politics, and economy. This game is set in the Hanseatic League in the 14th century.

The game runs only inn the following resolutions






Last edited by Galtron on 04 Apr 2014, 05:26, edited 2 times in total.


PostPosted: 20 Mar 2014, 04:08 

Joined: 20 Mar 2014, 02:55
Posts: 1
I have been a user of wsgf.org for a long time, happy to be able to contribute at last, though the work itself is from the different users from this links.

Custom resolutions for Patrician 3 (v 1.1, GOG).

1) http://www.gog.com/forum/patrician_seri ... widescreen
2) http://www.patrizierforum.net/index.php ... 6&pageNo=1 [in German]
3) http://forum.kalypsomedia.com/showthrea ... 7#pid86997 [Custom English trasnlation of the above]
4) http://www.patrizierforum.net/index.php ... eadID=4116 [Alternative for German version of the game; not working on English version]

Try to read thoroughly the English links first (and the Germans, if you are able; I wasnt), they explain the Hex editing needed to make it work and some things to keep in mind. If you can understand that you may do without what comes next.

DISCLAIMER: I have little experience on programming or hex editing, I followed these steps and it worked for me, I cant guarantee it will also work for you, try at your own risk. Maybe with this info someone is able to put together a patch or something similar.

My custom solution was:

1- Do the editing of Patrician 3.exe according to links 2) and 3). Make a copy of the file before starting. You will need an HEX editor, there are some suggestions on the threads.
1.b- You can check if you didnt make any mistakes by launching the game with your modified exe. It should have the resolution changed within the game (not on the menu) but you will have a black box on the right (we are on to that next).
2- Download the files from this post from the thread on the first link: http://www.gog.com/forum/patrician_seri ... een/post13
3- Unzip and go to scripts folder. I wanted 1600 x 900 but this patch is for 1920x1024 so I had to do some editing. It is supposed to work off the bat if you are aiming for 1920x1024.
4- Open xaccelMap.ini and xtextures.ini and replace 1920 with your intended X resolution, in my case 1600.
5- This one is a little trickier. Open xscreenGame.ini and search for 1636. You want to replace all 1636 with (your resolution x - 284). That is in my case (1600 - 284 = 1316). That 284 is supposed to be the space that the sidebar takes, so it seems here you are modifying map and town space.
6- Scripts are ready. Go to "images" folder. Open Vollansichtskarte1280.bmp and resize the image to your target resolution. In my case 1600x900. I should have also changed the other image but I was not sure of the right size so I kept it as it is and it worked.
7- Copy and paste the folders "images" and "scripts" to your Patrician 3 folder. No need to overwrite anything. Only move the folders, dont worrry about files 1920x1080.xdelta and xdelta.exe, we are not using them.
8- Run the game with the modified Patrician 3.exe from step 1.
8.1- Start/load an actual game to test, changes arent reflected on the main menu.

Screenie (more at the links above):


All buttons and cities are on the right place, no stretching as far as I can tell.

I did my best to be clear, please let me know if any parts need clarification. Credits go to the different people who posted patchs and edits to make it work on the above links, to them and the people of WSGF (for many a hand in the past) a big thank you.

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2018, 09:44 

Joined: 29 Aug 2018, 09:23
Posts: 1
Good morning.

I too have benefited over the years from the know-how of the clever people on this site. A know-how which alas I do not have.

I have found a brilliant 'ready made' resolution fix for Patrician 3, where all the hard work seems to have been done. All you have to do is download the file and unzip the resolution you want to the game.

I have settled on 1366x768 with great results. My thanks to Raydell on the Steam forums for curing the headache I was beginning to get trying to get this brilliant game to work in higher res, and of course, the original author of the fix, whom he credits in his post.

https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/ ... =382413909

P.S This game is shown as 'no widescreen support on searching the WSF database; perhaps it can now be flagged up to show there are potential solutions?

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