Toothless Spoon wrote:
I can again confirm Valcan's sentiments
It's a great game, and I'm really enjoying it to - and it's definitely pretty in parts. I've had to turn off the Post-processing, cause it's too damn blurry. I don't think it affects anything other than the AA - but I could be wrong. I think the engine could still do with a bit more optimisation, and especially the Sli needs more tweaking.
Hey Valcan, do you notice the LOD around the character in particular to be really low. I especially notice it in the graveyard, with grass popping in, and shadows/lighting as well. Almost like what the Unreal engine does with its shadow LOD, the popping grass reminds me of RAGE. I thought it might have been the triple screen FOV and/or Sli, but it seems to do it on single screen/sli disabled. I'm a graphics whore, so I notice these things
Also I kinda dislike the outside "grey" cold weather effect, it's like the gamma is turned all the way up and everything looks kinda lifeless.
Cool man, you know I have to agree with you, and I as well have post processing off too, my two Titans can not keep 60PFS @ 5760x1080 so that was my main reason to have it off. Also that post effect filter is interesting I prefer it off and more sharper anyways.
Agree as well it totally can be more optimised same with the SLI, I have to switch to window mode or sometimes SLI seems to be off the switch fixes that, odd hey.
Yeah the LOD thing only very rarely so far it is weird. Still I really dig it regardless I bet #2 will be crazy I can only imagine.
Graphics whore hey? I have been working on my own game and I am going to send screens, links and info to Skip this week coming up, really interested in what you think.