Here's what I've got workingPrimary resolution: 3440x1440.
Everything checked in Flawless Widescreen (In-Game FOV, FOV Limiting, Cinematic Aspect Ratio, Cinematics FOV, HUD Scaling).
Manually configured Flawless WidescreenCode:
Enable Display Detection Override
Width: 3440
Height: 1440
HUD Width: 2560
HUD Height: 1440
HUD X: 437
HUD Y: 0
I also changed the FOV Fine Adjust to 20 from 0; this helps a lot with mouse sensitivity.
My bullets seem to be going exactly where I'm shooting, and I'm able to get headshots and see all the dialog bits. I didn't get a picture of the dialog, but it's working as well.
And just for kicks, I added this in GamerSettings.ini so my mouse isn't super sensitive; although, dunno if it works yet or not:
Attachments: |
File comment: Main Menu at FOV Adjust 0.
2015-02-20_00002.jpg [ 584.37 KiB | Viewed 30890 times ]
File comment: Main Menu at FOV Adjust 20.
2015-02-20_00001.jpg [ 444.13 KiB | Viewed 30912 times ]
File comment: Bullet going where I want in FOV Adjust 0.
2015-02-20_00006.jpg [ 605.45 KiB | Viewed 30861 times ]
File comment: Bullet going where I want in FOV Adjust 20.
2015-02-20_00008.jpg [ 634.29 KiB | Viewed 30918 times ]
File comment: Squad menu issue probably bc I'm at FOV Adjust 20. I did not check FOV Adjust 0 on this screen.
2015-02-20_00009.jpg [ 411.96 KiB | Viewed 30918 times ]
File comment: Pause menu centered.
2015-02-20_00010.jpg [ 345.92 KiB | Viewed 30916 times ]
File comment: Tactical menu working properly.
2015-02-20_00011.jpg [ 691.54 KiB | Viewed 30926 times ]
File comment: Blue reticle on top of door properly. At FOV Adjust 20, it moves around depending on if you're to the left or right of it. Probably because of a z position issue, nothing problematic.
2015-02-20_00012.jpg [ 647.33 KiB | Viewed 30903 times ]
File comment: HUD shows up properly in battle.
2015-02-20_00013.jpg [ 887.28 KiB | Viewed 30924 times ]