Abram, nice aesthetic choice.
Regarding VGA sides, I mostly agree with MobsterOO7. VGA sides in PLP looks perfectly acceptable. Sides of PLP can be of slightly inferior quality to center, & it makes minimal difference because you stare at center. You don't notice minor imperfections on sides.
VGA sides still look fine for surfing & Word, but you wouldn't do precision art on VGA sides. You do it on center like normal.
VGA is slightly lower visual quality & will have more tearing in games. So depends how perfectionist the gamer is, price requirements, monitors on hand.
VGA also has a strength: it is about the most forgiving connection available. If all else fails, VGA likely works.
Here's details for your chosen layout.
Shape230 2560x1440 1440x900 PLP.jpg [ 32.06 KiB | Viewed 4135 times ]
http://plp-gaming.wikia.com/wiki/Big_Medium-Heavy_PLP_Layouts#19-32-19_2560x1440_1440x900Notice the text stating you will be hiding sides' bezels. This is a great feature, cutting inner bezels in ~half. It also means that
your side bezel size does not matter very much, as they will be hidden.
You can find some other 19" examples here. I don't remember which of them are best.