So I went and sent a mail to
[email protected] as well after being disappointed in the lag of WS support in patch 1.4:
I've looked around a bit for a workable solution - and found that I can
employ any resolution I like - which is good. However the FOV is not
adjustable - which is bad.
You might consider that widescreen's are one of the fastest growing markets
for LCD displays, and having support for those displays will become
increasingly important...
Considering a wider FOV an unfair advantage is simply put much like
considering resolutions of 1600x1200 or above on some SLI/CrossFire setup
unfair - which it is. But you are not restricting those users at all, are
you ? ;o) Same thing could be said about stereo vs surround sound, low
latency internet connections, mouse dpi, etc.
Online multiplayer will _never_ be fair because you can't control the
circumstances under which people compete. You need controlled environments
for fairness... So what you basicly is doing is cripple your product in an
attempt to archive something which is impossible.
Hell - if you really want to come closer to fairness - you might consider
adding server-determined display (and other hardware) settings. So all
players joining a given server will play with the same settings. Then try
and log how many players join those servers employing the restictions...
CS (Source) - which I suppose is still one of the largest online FPS
communities - have native widescreen support. So I really fail to understand
why you guys havn't included the support in BF2 yet...
I've had great times playing BF2 but after I bought my widescreen I must
admit that the game have been gathering dust on my shelf. As far as I've
been able to find out, you have not even included native widescreen support
in BF2142 (including FOV to avoid image distortion) - which will mean one
thing for me. I wont buy it... With that many good online FPS's on the
market, widescreen support will be a deciding factor for me.
I would sure like to state my opinion on the EA forums as well, but the
topic regarding this request (for BF2) have been locked - after reaching 13
pages...(!) :
Anyway - I sure hope that you guys will include native widescreen support,
because I really like your work. But playing on brand new hardware and have
image distortion or 1/4 of the screen in black bars really kills my
interrest. Which of course is why I'm writing... because I care ;o)
Here's for hoping
Best regards