In addition to using the mouse wheel, you can change the zoom's depth in the options menu; but yeah, it's still pretty darn close.
==Surround Gaming Support==
If you really prefer to use Matrox's SGU, know that it also:
-sets the camera zoom to Very Far
-turns the Minimized UI on
You can always set these options to anything you like, and they don't alter the game experience significantly as far as Surround Gaming is concerned anyway. Furthermore, this only applies to the original game and The War Chiefs (expansion #1); SGU says "the game has native support" for The Asian Dynasties (expansion #2) and does not "optimize" it.
Game is Hor+ with horrid HUD stretch. (Left: normal UI, right: "minimized" UI, big change uh?) :roll:
Pillarboxed cutscenes.
Stretched FMVs.
City view:
All cities show the same flaws on the sides, except the War Chiefs' villages which seem to have been designed with surround gaming i mind...
Original game
The War Chiefs
The Asian Dynasties
Hotkey for Matrox PowerDesk's Bezel Management is fully functional in game.
All in all, Surround Gaming support is correct, though somewhat minimal for an officially "TH2G-ready", best-selling title. Meanwhile,
Paraworld quietly does a much better job... :wink: