Widescreen Gaming Forum

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PostPosted: 31 Jan 2017, 10:52 

Joined: 31 Jan 2017, 10:18
Posts: 4
CivilWolf wrote:
20mchop wrote:
Can anyone post hex values for 5760 x 1080 and 5930 x 1080? Trying to get this to work as well. Thanks for the fix! This will make this game that much better being able to play with Ultrawide/multi monitor .

00 00 40 42

26 B4 AF 40
AB AA 45 42

I think.

Thanks so much! Will try them out!


PostPosted: 31 Jan 2017, 11:08 

Joined: 04 Mar 2015, 14:35
Posts: 100
for removing the black bars u have to devide horizontal with vertical so:
"5760\1080=5" means 5.00000(float) 40A00000h "00 00 A0 40"(bin)
and for the ratio it should be something like "16x3=48" means 48.00000(float) 42400000h "00 00 40 42"(bin)

the ratio should fit for 5930 x 1080 aswell it has 49,41 (5.49x9) so maybe 49.50000(float) 42460000h "00 00 46 42"(bin)

for blackbars on that res.: something like 5.50000(float) 40B00000h "00 00 B0 40"(bin)

so @CivilWolf u did it well.

PostPosted: 31 Jan 2017, 12:12 

Joined: 31 Jan 2017, 12:07
Posts: 2
zens wrote:
for removing the black bars u have to devide horizontal with vertical so:
"5760\1080=5" means 5.00000(float) 40A00000h "00 00 A0 40"(bin)
and for the ratio it should be something like "16x3=48" means 48.00000(float) 42400000h "00 00 40 42"(bin)

the ratio should fit for 5930 x 1080 aswell it has 49,41 (5.49x9) so maybe 49.50000(float) 42460000h "00 00 46 42"(bin)

for blackbars on that res.: something like 5.50000(float) 40B00000h "00 00 B0 40"(bin)

so @CivilWolf u did it well.

Sorry for my ignorance but what settings would I need to change to make this work at 3440 x 1440p without looking stretched?


PostPosted: 31 Jan 2017, 12:35 

Joined: 04 Mar 2015, 14:35
Posts: 100
for the black bars: 3440\1440=2,38" so 2.40000(float) 4019999Ah "9A 99 19 40"(bin)
aspect ratio fix: 43.00000(float) 422C0000h "00 00 2C 42"(bin)

PostPosted: 31 Jan 2017, 14:28 

Joined: 31 Jan 2017, 14:27
Posts: 4
Resolution is 6120x1080. Is there some calculator tools? thx

PostPosted: 31 Jan 2017, 16:03 

Joined: 31 Jan 2017, 12:07
Posts: 2
zens wrote:
for the black bars: 3440\1440=2,38" so 2.40000(float) 4019999Ah "9A 99 19 40"(bin)
aspect ratio fix: 43.00000(float) 422C0000h "00 00 2C 42"(bin)

Hey man, thanks a lot!!! Works beautiful!! Only thing though is that I gotta set the resolution to 2560 x 1440p or the screen streches out of the monitor. It is pretty bizarre, is as if 3440 horizontal was larger when using these values. However, setting it to 2560 works pretty good.

PostPosted: 31 Jan 2017, 16:44 

Joined: 08 Jan 2015, 15:03
Posts: 13
zens wrote:
Well i dont own the game sadly, but u guys have to search and change for:

Removes (openes) the black bars
1.777778(float) 3FE38E39h "39 8E E3 3F"(bin) to 2.400000(float) 4019999Ah "9A 99 19 40"(bin)


Fix the ratio:
16.00000(float) 41800000h "00 00 80 41"(bin) to 21.00000(float) 41A80000h "00 00 A8 41"(bin)


The example is based on a 21:9 res. like 2560x1080


Thanks, man. Do these values work for 3440x1440?

PostPosted: 31 Jan 2017, 17:16 

Joined: 31 Jan 2017, 13:42
Posts: 3
I still find it to be very off TBH, everything seems to be so close and so big, fov doesn't even feel like 90 and made me feel sick after playing for like 10 mins.

PostPosted: 31 Jan 2017, 17:24 

Joined: 31 Jan 2017, 10:18
Posts: 4
For some reason the fix doesn't work for me, my game doesn't launch. I do the following:

1. Load exe file into hex editor
2. Find 39 8E E3 3F and replace it with AA AA AA 40 (For 5760 x 1080)
3. Find 9A 99 19 40 and replace it with 00 00 40 42 (For 5760 x 1080)
4. Click save in Hexd
5. See that hexd has placed a file.Bak in my RE7 folder
6. try to launch game, doesn't do anything

Please can someone let me know if i am doing it wrong, i have never used a hex editor in my life.

PostPosted: 31 Jan 2017, 17:55 

Joined: 31 Jan 2017, 17:48
Posts: 1
Any chance that Flawless Widescreen will support this any time soon? I remember I used it for some older titles but I don't know whether it's still supported.
If not, what exact changes do I need to make to the .exe file in hex editor for 3440x1440 to get everything working fine - without black bars and with a proper FoV?

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