Thanks Zens, that looks promising. Anyone risked it with online play?
In the meantime: Here was my reply from Ubisoft:
Thank you for reaching Ubisoft Customer Support.
My name is Ricco and I will be assisting you with your case.
I understand that you have some feedback to offer regarding the issue that you had with your 3 screen configuration to play Far Cry 5. But I must advise you the the anti-cheat system may detect this alteration that you have done in your system, and you may be penalised for it.
It is done automatically by the system. We do not endorse any code change in the games, unless done by our Developers Team.
Regardless we love hearing ideas directly from gamers and appreciate the support from fans like you, although we cannot accept or consider creative ideas from outside the company for legal reasons, but we definitely still want your feedback.
I would also recommend that you post your suggestions and feedback on our forums pages to ensure your feedback receives as much exposure as possible. The Community Managers and Developers are always monitoring the forum pages to observe the Community opinions and reactions. The Community Managers would really like to hear comments such as this so they can show the company an accurate representation of the community.
Official Ubisoft Forum: and adjustments are being made all the time, so you may see these changes in the future.
Rest assured, I will forward your comment to the proper department so hopefully there may be an improvement for this issue in the future.
I hope that answers your questions. Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.
Kind Regards,
Ubisoft Customer Support"
So guys and girls, remember: NO CREATIVE IDEAS TO UBISOFT. They might get into trouble for LEGAL REASONS.
Let us hope that "multi-monitor support" is not a creative idea, or we are doomed.