jackfuste wrote:
I don't have this game, so I need someone who can share account with game for a while or donate a game key.
I can try to fix FOV without the game, but then I need NeedForSpeedPayback.exe memory dump:
- Install - http://www.ntcore.com/files/ExplorerSuite.exe
- Run C:\Program Files\NTCore\Explorer Suite\Task Explorer-x64.exe as Admin
- Startup game and Alt+Tab it
- In Task Explorer click right mouse button on "NeedForSpeedPayback" and select "Dump PE"
- Upload "NeedForSpeedPayback_Dumped.exe" file
Hey jackfuste, I could score you a key from
https://www.greenmangaming.com/games/ne ... d-payback/ just make sure you are from NA. It does not say a specific region so it should be fine anyways(check out the link and see what region it shows or if no specific one). I have been waiting for them to fix it but it seems like it will never happen cause EA doesn't care.
I have been working own my own game for a while self funded and my funds are pretty tight but I have been wanting to play NFSPB in 5760x1080 since it came out. So pm me your email and I will hook you up with a copy so you can look into it and fix it if you can. From what I gather it is totally just a FOV issue.
Thanks dude
[ update ] : just sent you the key for the game, a massive thanks for all your help we all appreciate it!