Dual screen gaming is actually less common than triple, oddly enough. There is support, its just not widespread.
X3 is one of the games I know of that uses dual screens. Surpreme Commander will also support dual screen gaming, which is a first for an RTS I believe.
Outside of that, the TH2G does have a dual screen mode (2x1600x1200). This would be fine for any RTS but for FPS the retical would get centered in between the mons. For CSS one idea would be to just use 2 computers, with one in spectator mode. Then just put turn the overlay map on and goto town. Course then you're cheating....
Just remember that in games like X3 and Surpreme Commander, a triplehead2go acts like a single, large monitor. So to use those games you'd need to switch to standard dual screen or quad screen (using 2 cards in non-sli).