Hi guys ... glad to see it is working for you all ... enjoy ... 8)
I didn't like the game at first but I'm now getting into it and l'm really enjoying it ... base jumping is very cool ...
... but is it me or does the FOV go askew at the edges? the left most shoreline looks stretched.
Regarding the stretching on the side screens ... objects get wider towards the edges of the screen ...
even at 4:3.
Unfortunately this means that on really widescreens such as TripleHead those objects on the side screens can look pretty distorted.
There are none that are perfect for SG or even 4:3 it is just more noticable on such a wide screen that the TH2G gives you.
Some games are better than others but it is like this for just about all first or third person shooters.
Here is a thread showing this distortion even at 4:3 ... take a look ... 16th post ... http://www.widescreengamingforum.com/node/5886
I am very used to this distortion and when I'm playing games in TripleHead it doesn't bother me at all ...
I am so concentrating on the centre screen the sides just become peripheral vision and add to the immersion.