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PostPosted: 15 Dec 2006, 16:18 

Joined: 16 May 2006, 17:48
Posts: 10

Project Reality.

I have played this game for almost 6 month, and would like to tell you guys about this great game....
If you have played PR before, remember that this release give us a game so totally different that you have to call it a new game.

In case you're not familiar with the Project Reality Mod for BF2 i will try my best to enlighten you with the most realistic mod around right now.
It's for those of you who seek intense realistic, tactically based, and heavy on teamwork game play.

Lonewolf gamers and "noob tubers" don’t survive in these games.

Bullets kill, just like real life. 2 shots to the body and 1 to the head will take a man down.
You don't have a life meter and unless you get patched up by a medic…
And yes… when you get shot.. you will bleed to death if not healed by a medic.

You can download the current version at http://www.realitymod.com

Here are some features in the Project Reality Modification: [list] - Kill Indicator Removed (e.g. Player A has killed Player B)
- Eliminate Enemy Indicator
- Realistic Ballistics (Bullet Drop, Speed, ROF)
- Longer Spawn Times (So hold on to your life)
- Realistic Damage (Goal is that damage to different hitboxes has different outcomes)
- New, Less Intrusive Head-Up-Display
- Optical Zoom for Apc's and Tanks
- Night maps & Night Vision Goggles
- Sabot and Heat Rounds for Armor
- Slug and Buckshot Shells for Shotguns
- Blood and Bleeding
- AAS (Advance and Secure) Mode
- Extraction Mode
- New and Reworked Classes
- New Sound Effects
- New Weapons of all Types
- Squad-Based Kit Request System (limiting the powerful kits, such as Heavy Anti-Tank, Sniper, Anti-Air and Support
- New Vehicles
- Addition of British Forces
- Addition of Insurgent Forces
- 22 New Maps (Not including night time versions of new or existing BF2 maps)
And Much More to Come... [/list:u]PR Forces

PR Maps

PR Weapons

* View complete gallery at moddb.com
* View this Awesome Video Preview here (bad quality video though)
* View some of the new vehicles here

There is an excellent review here at totalbf2.com and i recommend reading that.
Spawndemon"]- Personally, I do not think I will ever go back to vanilla after playing this modification.
It's a job well done, and in it's current release is pretty much stable, and full of content. Do not over look this modification!

For more info, also see the Project Reality Wiki or www.realitymod.com.



PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006, 08:45 
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Joined: 21 Mar 2006, 05:01
Posts: 1993
No widescreen = No good.

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2006, 13:16 

Joined: 16 May 2006, 17:48
Posts: 10
No widescreen = No good.


I play with 1920 X 1200

This has nothing to do with this Mod, but the BF2 game engine in general...
the solution for this is found here at Widescreen Gaming Forums :wink:

PostPosted: 08 Feb 2007, 15:17 
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Joined: 27 Jul 2004, 17:42
Posts: 3436
It all looks great but with the cropping of the top and bottom of the view that you get with BF2 there are many here on the WSGF that just don't like the feel of the game.
The zoomed in feeling when playing is just no good.

Maybe there is not much you can do about the problem as it is the way the BF2 game engine is made but unless the mod can fix this issue I for one wouldn't play it ...

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2007, 08:56 

Joined: 11 Apr 2006, 22:32
Posts: 57
...and 2142 im assuming...too bad. I won't play it either, i play for immersion.

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