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PostPosted: 26 Apr 2007, 00:11 
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Joined: 27 Jul 2004, 17:42
Posts: 3436
Battle of Britain II: Wings of Victory

More info and latest patch here ...
and here ...

Patch the game to the latest version...
Choose your resolution ... see screenshots below ...
Set the FOV ... in game ... see screenshots below ...
A few small problems ... described in the screenshots below ...

Click to see full size ...

As you can see the FOV does not go quite wide enough to match the 4:3 shots but it is good enough to play ... :D

You can look around the cockpit ...

Set up the screen resolutions ...

Set up the FOV ... maximum FOV is 110 ... it is fine ...

Campaign screen ... can be on centre screen ...

or over all three screens see the resolution set-up screen above ...

Default view ...

You can zoom/dolly the camera out ... this can zoom so far out that your aircraft can get very very small if you want (way smaller than in this shot)

No cockpit view looks bad to me ... the cross-hair is very stretched.
Notice the Artificial Horizon (top right) is messed up for all views but it is still usable. This screenshot clearly shows the problem.

I haven't really got into the game yet but it looks great ... I have to get my head around the campaign part ... it seems very confusing at first.
Had great fun flying my Spitfire around though ... :D

Oh shit ... more work ... I forgot the WSGF logo on the screenshots ... :roll: :(


PostPosted: 26 Apr 2007, 12:43 

Joined: 10 Feb 2007, 08:31
Posts: 13
Looks like the same problem as with IL-2 Shturmovik – impossible to see simultaneously, cockpit instrument panel and windshield of aircraft.

PostPosted: 11 May 2007, 19:44 

Joined: 10 May 2007, 22:59
Posts: 8
Hi Paddy,
After seeing your pictures, I sold my children in lifelong servitude & bought a matrox tripleheadtogo & 3 YURAKU MJ9C monitors with the proceeds.

The nub of my problem is that I want to run my screens at 3840 x1024 but can't.

I currently have the set up at 3072x768 32bit colour @ 75Hz refresh rate. I am running a pair of NVIDIA 8800 GTX cards (I had to sell the wife for those) but when I look at the screen resolutions available on my desktop, 3840x1024 is only available at 60Hz - I would like it to be available at 75Hz as my monitors don't work at 60Hz - is this possible?

The handbook for my monitors say they offer 10 modes - the highest resolution settings being:-

1280x 1024 @ 63.981 Hz (Horiz) & 60.020 Hz (Vert)
1280x 1024 @ 79.976Hz (Horiz) & 75.024Hz (Vert)

As I understand it, my monitors should work at 60Hz, but they don't. They display an "out of range" error message - where am I going wrong?

And finally, when I run BoBII, only the centre monitor works. It's resolution is correct for triple screen but the outside two monitors remain dark, but with no error messages. I can run IL-2 1946 & FSx fine.

Although you might suspect I'm disappointed what with these problems but far from it! IL-2 is just awesome - the sense of scale one gets is amazing. I can just sit & watch the in game track recordings!

Hope you can help me - thanks walt brown

PostPosted: 11 May 2007, 20:52 
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Joined: 27 Jul 2004, 17:42
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Hey Walt ... welcome to the WSGF ... :D

The TH2G only does 3840x1024 at 60Hz ...
Check out the Matrox TH2G info page ... near the bottom ... http://www.matrox.com/graphics/en/gxm/products/th2go/home.php

60Hz is fine on LCD's ... refresh rates for LCD's isn't as important as it is with CRTs

I'm not sure why your monitors aren't working at 3 x 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz
Do you have the drivers for them installed ? ... assuming they have drivers ...
Can you run just one of them at 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz without the TH2g ?

Are you using the Matrox TH2G drivers ... for setting up the desktop res ?

For BOB II ... you have got the latest patch (link in original post) ?

PostPosted: 12 May 2007, 00:25 

Joined: 10 May 2007, 22:59
Posts: 8
Do I call you Paddy? Or should it be the full Moniker? I'm fairly new to forum life so please excuse any gaffes.

Anyway, thanks for the prompt response I tested my monitors - well one of them actually, and it worked fine at 1280x1024x32bpcx60Hz WITH & WITHOUT Matrox included in the circuit.

I went over to the Matrox site as you suggested but while I was there I saw that Nvidia 8800 are not supported, which, along with the fact that the monior worked WITH the matrox in circuit, makes me suspect an Nvidia graphics driver issue.

I've tried setting the desktop resolution to 1280x1024x32x60Hz in Display Properties, PowerStrip, Power Desk SE & Nvidia nTune.

nTune allows you to set custom displays but none of the various options for "my" resolution appears to work. After the usual "No Signal" message - I get the aforementioned "Out of Range " error. If it wasn't for Powerstrip's Hotkey Resolution Reset, I would have been in very deep doo-doo several times!

Incidently, I am up to date with all my drivers - particularly Nvidia & Matrox.

Any contribution you can offer is greatly apreciated & I think I'll also slip over to Nvidia's site & ask them about this.

Thanks again & kind regards,

Wal Brown

PostPosted: 12 May 2007, 00:44 
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Just Paddy is fine ... :D

I don't think the 8800's are the problem ... I have two of them and all works fine for me ... I'm using the 158.22 drivers.

If one screen can work at 1280x1024 @ 60Hz then I would say it is something to do with the TH2G ... maybe the signal coming from it isn't right for some reason ...

Get in touch with Matrox ... see if they can help ...

PostPosted: 12 May 2007, 01:20 

Joined: 10 May 2007, 22:59
Posts: 8
Hi Paddy,

Yes I see what you mean - if it works for you, it should for me. Anyway I've registered with Matrox & left a request with their support - I'll keep you posted.

I must say though that it does worry me that no-one else seems to have had a similar problem - that points to my TH2G unit being faulty !

PostPosted: 12 May 2007, 09:03 
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Joined: 27 Jul 2004, 17:42
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or maybe it doesn't like your screens ... or your screens don't like it ... :?

Hopefully Matrox will help you sort it out.

BTW ... There is a new BOB II patch out today ... http://www.shockwaveproductions.com/bob/bob206.htm ..... 8)

PostPosted: 14 May 2007, 18:36 

Joined: 10 May 2007, 22:59
Posts: 8
Hi Paddy,
The story so far...

I contacted Matrox yesterday & so far ... Not a peep from them!!!!

I also contacted YURAKU and had an almost immediate response - I have just told them that I substituted an LG Flatron L1915S for each of the YARAKU monitors at 1280x1024 @60Hz & it worked beautifully - while the other YURAKU's were displaying the "OUT OF RANGE" error. So it seems you are right & there is an incompatibility issue between them. It is with them at the moment.

My Battle of Britain issues -

1) No "outer" screens - just the middle one (albeit in the correct reolution for TH2G. I changed the resolution within BoBII to be specific rather than "Same as the desktop" & now it works beautifully.

2) One which I had posted on the Shockwave forum was; after a few minutes play, many of the textures would become confused & one could find oneself flying over a 20 mile diameter altimeter! This would get worse & worse, the sky becoming green, the prop would become a black square & the cockpit dash would lose all colour & become silver.
Anyway, the new patch v2.0.6 has cured it completely!!! So a big debt of gratitude to all those boys.

So, I'm just waiting to get my 1280x1024 at 60Hz issue sorted & I'll be a truly happy bunny.

Thanks for all your assistance & if there is any sort of conclusion to this - I'll let you know.

Kind regards,


PostPosted: 14 May 2007, 19:34 
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Joined: 27 Jul 2004, 17:42
Posts: 3436
Hey Walt ...
It sounds like you are getting there ... 8)

I hope you get an adequate response from YURAKU ...

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