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PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007, 04:21 

Joined: 28 May 2007, 03:51
Posts: 12
Does anyone think that after all the new DX10 games come out, developers will stop focusing on TH2G reolutions and will render our devices useless... or will games like Crysis and Alan Wake be supported by it ? I really wanna know because I don't know whether to go with the TH2G or not if it will be obsolete in the future.


PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007, 04:35 

Joined: 23 Mar 2007, 05:18
Posts: 20
If I was a marketing or product manager at Matrox, I would be giving away a lot of TH2G to developers and working with them to build up support in their games for this item.

Smells of lost opportunity here if its not already happening.

I remember working with Nvidia in a previous life and they gave away tons of hardware, development time and etc... to build up their support base.

Look at them now and all the optimized games for their GPUs...

Matrox: take some notes please!

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007, 10:32 
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Joined: 27 Jul 2004, 17:42
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From what I know Matrox do give units to developers all the time ... and are there to help them if needed.
(I'm not a developer but they sent me one to do the review)

As for the original question ...
Developers have never really focused on TH2G resolutions ... most games in the SGU don't work out of the box they require config hacks which are built into the SGU
Other games are fixed with 3rd party hacks ... by the likes of Racer_S.
Only a few work out of the box and I think most of those just happen to work ... not necessarily because the developers designed them to work in TH.

A few are actually developed to work in TH but they are a minority ...
rFactor is one i believe and another is Alpha Prime ... you can see the TH2G logo on the Alpha Prime site ... http://www.alpha-prime.com/

All that said ... I am hoping that the future is a little brighter for the TH2G since the "Games for Windows" thing ... as those games are supposed to do widescreen correctly and there is more chance of a game doing TH or someone doing a TH fix if the game at least does widescreen out of the box.

After saying that ... Halo 2 ... :roll: ... the "Flag ship" game ... doesn't do widescreen correctly ... :? ... so who knows what the future will really bring ... ?
EDIT : Apparently I was miss informed about this and it does do widescreen correctly.

PostPosted: 05 Jun 2007, 14:57 

Joined: 11 Aug 2006, 19:08
Posts: 26
I don't see the situation changing for either way. It will stay the same. TH2G is still a expensive device and 3 monitors take a lot of space, so not many people will have those. That leads to developers not being very interested in supporting TH2G.
Supporting widescreen is a must have feature now a days, because a lot of people have them and the percentage is constantly rising. Having to make a widescreen support will probably increase TH2Gaility slightly. It all depends on how cleanly widescreen is added to the game or is it just an ugly hack.
So yeah, TH2G will not fade away, but i don't expect anymore games that support it at out of the box than todays games do.

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2007, 19:54 

Joined: 14 Feb 2007, 03:41
Posts: 26
I guess I'm confused on how having DX10 applications will take away from a TH2G resolution. Perhaps I am just not in on all the subtleties involved?

From my small experiences, if a game supports widescreen natively, it will usually support TH2G resolutions natively as well. A good example would be Genesis: Rising. The game natively supports TH2G, but well... the game is ugly and the mouse movement is linked to the screen in a 1:1 correspondence, so as the screen becomes extended to fit the extra monitors. Mouse movement becomes more exaggerated and unwieldy. Perhaps I will make a detailed report on it. But after playing it surround for only a hour, I had a severe headache and switched it back to 4:3 (definitely improved playability for me).

That was a rather long winded way of saying that there is more "support" for TH2G than we realize. Once you break the mold, and have developers thinking about adjusting their displays for different aspect ratios, to say "while we are at it, why don't we just allow the game to display whatever the monitor supports?"

PostPosted: 06 Jun 2007, 20:00 

Joined: 09 Sep 2006, 18:27
Posts: 54
I concur with geeman...

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2007, 12:01 

Joined: 21 Jun 2006, 20:04
Posts: 295
anymore games that support it at out of the box than todays games do.
Of course there will be future games supporting SG but that feature will not be on focus.
I think that DX10 will not change the importance of sg.[/code]

PostPosted: 07 Jun 2007, 17:57 

Joined: 21 Apr 2006, 17:17
Posts: 643
I agree with the idea that DX10 will not significantly affect triplehead capability in games. I see no reason it would.

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2007, 05:23 

Joined: 16 May 2007, 06:33
Posts: 7
The only thing I don't like about TH2G is that supported resolutions are kind of limited.

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