There are plenty of programs to test hdd speeds and things.
I recomend HDTune for speed test, and something like sandra or everest can tell you what HDD is in your system.
For the record here is the results for my notebook hdd:
For the record a 7200rmp drive (especially new ones) dont really get much hotter than a 5400rpm drive. Since they can read faster on average they are in use for a shorter duration and thus the heat stays about the same.
However the best is what I have, a 250gb or 300gb 5400rpm drive because its so data dense the read speed is nearly on par with a 7200rpm drive, but with even less heat/battery power used. Also they are larger and cheaper. 200gb is the current limit to a 7200rpm drive.
Also as far as hdd speed limiting games.... thats an open issue. Most games just load up at start, from there everything is in your ram. Games that have active loading in the background will need the faster hdd I suppose, but also more ram may help resolve the problem. I run 2gb right now due to some issues I have with my 2gb sodimm, but when that is resolved I will use 3gb of ram.
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