what pumping are you talking about?
Take-Two never paid 3DR advances or any signing bonus or any other funds related to DNF, up until July 2008, at which time they paid $2.5m in connection with another agreement for an unannounced game. This is the sum total Take-Two has paid 3DR in connection with DNF. Take-Two claims that they paid $12m to GT Interactive/Infogrames to acquire the publishing rights for the DNF game. To be clear, 3DR was not a party to that transaction and did not receive any money from it. When the DNF game was originally signed with GT Interactive in 1998, GT paid 3DR a $400,000 signing bonus. Up until July 2008, this was the only publisher money we received for the DNF game. Meanwhile, 3DR put over $20m into the production of DNF.
but there was another new rumor floating around that Gearbox will be working on it
George Boussard have not commented.
Gearbox Software president Randy Pitchford declined to comment to Kotaku on the matter, indicating that he may be able to better clarify the situation further at this year's Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle.
and in a 2006 interview, George Boussard said:
1UP: Wait, wait. You guys are working on Duke Forever?
GB: [Laughs] And ever and ever.
1UP: And when's that due out again?
GB: [Laughs] I think it'll be out when pigs fly.
and now his twitter:
dammit, I am so hyped up, there better be some real DNF news incoming