Hello, I'm going to attempt to answer your question. Here goes.
Profiles are not currently working, as once set up, they do not properly switch between profiles. You can still set these profiles up with their hot keys.. switching from one extending profile to another extended profile does in fact work. ATI is aware of the issue and is working to solve it..
The easiest way to set up a profile, is to manually configure the way you want your screen to look first. After you have done that, go to your profiles at the top right on CCC. When you create the profile, make sure you include all the current setting.
Then change all your setting in CCC the way you would like your second profile, only after you have configured your display, then you can go back to the profile manager and save all current settings.
Like I said before tho, CCC profiles to not switch between Extended and Eyefinity yet. When I try, it will switch between extended modes with no problem, but will not jump back into eyefinity unless I go back into CCC and change it myself.
To answer your questions, Your screens are rendering the image correctly. Most of these games you play were not built with 3 screens in mind. The view will always be sort of "fish eye". There are only a hand full of games that display images across all the screen w/ out that effect, I would try some strategy games ;) The reason you see that images this way is because your game renders the main screen into the center and stretches out. It's a bit like tunnel vision, also the lack of Bezel management makes for some dizzy gameplay. If you want to understand what bezel management is, check out
http://www.matrox.com/graphics/surroundgaming/en/product/bezel/. I'm sure when Eyefinity has some sort of bezel management, it won't make you so dizzy. "The normal human visual field extends to approximately 60 degrees nasally (toward the nose, or inward) in each eye, to 100 degrees temporally (away from the nose, or outwards)," The two sides screen aren't really there as monitors that you can use to look at and do things adequately. They are there to fill in the gaps left by dead space in your vision, full immersion rather.
Basically if our eye could see that field of view, our eyes would be sticking out of our head, and all black. and yes, it's like taking a crystal ball and looking threw it. Eventually you will get used to this effect and it will be less nauseous with bezel management. The games would have to be designed with 3 screens in mind to not have that effect.
I tried to answer the question to the best of my knowledge.