Baseline (Widescreen) Solution & Issues
This game uses the desktop resolution to calculate the FOV.
So be sure that the resolution of the game and the Windows Desktop is the same!
Ultra/Super-Wide (21:9/32:9) Specific Solution & Issues
Eyefinity / Surround Specific Solution & Issues
SW:TOR runs flawlessly in widescreen, save for not having a centered HUD. The tool below can be used to center the HUD.
Thanks to Dopefish and Helifax for this solution:
The Widescreen Fixer tool for SWTOR is still a beta version
1. Simply download the tool from this location: <a href="">Widescreen Fixer - Beta</a>
2. Run it, and select "Star Wars: The Old Republic" profile.
3. Hit the small Cog to the right.
4. In the fields insert select the latest 1.0.2 game version
5. In the "Standard resolution" set the normal resolution without the bezel correction. EX:5760x1080.
6. If you are using Bezel corrected resolution set in the "Corrected Resolution" this resolution. Ex: 6000x1080. Else set the normal resolution here also.
7. Launch the game and hit the activation key to enable the fix.
4K UHD Specific Solution & Issues