In order to get widescreen resolutions, you will need to edit the registry.
The keys are located:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Activision\X-Men The Official Game\Profile*
(can be Profile0, Profile1, etc... depending on how many different profiles you have set up. Most likely will be "Profile0" if only one exists)
Find the DWORD values:
"height " and "width"
Change to the appropriate values.
Be sure to switch to "Decimal" mode so you can enter the values easily rather than their hexidecimal values.
Optional FOV: Go to --> ...\X-Men\assets\Tuning.xml and open it with Notepad
Search for the word FOV, now look for the Numbers for example Value="75 and change it to Value="100.
You need to do it for all 21 Values. (Only the first Value has a limit of 45 all other can go higher - see MIN & MAX)