no, the 1.001 patch doesn´t include the widescreen fix.
here the official statement:
It may not be in the official changelog, but it definitely exhibits different behavior than before. They did change it and I believe it is fixed regardless of it being on the official changelog or not. They said we will have it "very soon" and that it will be part of the first patch, so I'm pretty certain it's here.
But why is that in those screenshots, you see more of the Big Daddy drill in the 4:3 shot than in 16:10 and 16:9?
Shouldn't it be the other way around?
In which shots?
Pre-patch 4:3 is Vert+
Because 4:3 is Vert+, you see more of the drill than in the widescreen resolutions. This is because the vertical FOV is taller than 75 degrees.
Post-patch 4:3 is Hor-
Since it's Hor- now, vertically it's locked to 75 degrees. This means that the gun is now shown just the same way as it has in 16:9, and that you lose horizontal viewing area because it's not as wide.