Nvidia Surround

Submitted by Anonymous on 4 October, 2016 - 10:42

The Turing Test

The Turing Test is a first person puzzler from the developers of ‘Pneuma: Breath of Life’ that explores the phenomena of consciousness and challenges the meaning of human intuition. Take control of Ava Turing, an engineer for the International Space Agency (ISA), and progress through a narrated story of introspection and morality whilst uncovering the hidden mysteries of Europa. Delve into The Turing Test’s human interaction puzzles and arm yourself with logical and methodical thinking. Take on tests designed in such a way that only a human could solve them.

Submitted by Xapuyc on 1 October, 2016 - 15:50

Fractured Space

Fractured Space is a competitive 5-v-5 tactical space battle game fought over five sectors. Brought to life in the stunning Unreal Engine 4, giants of interstellar conflict fight in spectacular close quarter battles for dominance.
Epic Space Battles
Fractured Space’s team-based 5v5 battles hinge on teamwork. Those who can strategise and work together to dominate the battlefield’s objectives will take the enemy base, and victory. Unity is strength.

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